St. Louis, Missouri, gate west. As for coffee, it may not be as well known in the country as the city on the other side, Kansas City, but STL is, however, charged with coffee both established and at the top. And everyone meets on Saturday, February 22 STL Coffee Fest. Takes place in 18rails Place of events inside City foundry stlSTL Coffee Fest will be a day of workshops, coffee lessons and all coffee from one of the best in the city.
This is quite a composition of coffee, which will be present to offer your infusions. Massive names like PlanIN Kaldi’sAND Goshen They are already confirmed, with many other residents, such as TeleoIN Idle bakingIN HarvestAnd also more. There will be tea from Travel tea and chai z Naribites with Baked and cooked rollsIN Bread and stoveIN Serendipites ice creamAND Taco Buddhaand even coffee whiskey with Sun Luna.
An event that will fall apart into two sessions – 10: 00:00 to 13:00 and 13:30 to 16:00 – features every hour coffee workshop that discuss “such and more topics. “And for those who want to get real nerds, there are interactive barista coffee courses, including topics that include coffee bepping (led by Goshen), Espresso (run by Kaldi) and Pour-Over (led by First Crack coffee).
Or, if you are looking for a party, a buzzing bar – “Where culture and cocktail cocktail” – will be open to the whole event in which participants can “buy cocktails and cocktails emphasizing the versatility of coffee. ”
Tickets on the STL Coffee Fest cost $ 30 and can be bought via Their website. Tickets for additional events, such as interactive coffee, are also available for 25 USD.
Everything drops on Saturday, February 22 at 18rails Inside City Foundry STL. For more information, visit the STL Coffee Fest’s Official website.