Reusable programs are objectively good. Everything that can limit the need for cups with single apply and all micro-plasticism that is facing them is a very necessary step in the right direction. But adoption has always been a great point of traction. How do cafes force people to think about half a step and I remember to bring a cup? Do you encourage you to discount? Do you appeal to their sense of community and do the correct for the planet?
It turns out that you need to strive for a much lower and offering our human desire for degeneration. We love Gamblin ‘, Baby and Cafes, they can be able to satisfy that we would do it properly.
In a study recently published in the journal Scientists from the Faculty of Psychology at Canada of the University of British Colombia tried to determine how “probabilistic prizes” (read: gambling) can promote the adoption of multiple reusable programs in cafes. As the study notes, side effects, such as the added fees for disposable cups, generally proved to be extremely unpopular, and therefore ineffective as changing behavior. And also miniature discounts. Scientists note that an earlier study showed that over 92% of consumers said that they would bring a multiple -use cup if a decent discount was offered, but when one of the cafe in Great Britain offered this discount: “This did not affect the sale of heated drinks with cups multiple reusable apply. ”
But what if instead of guaranteed a miniature prize people would have a chance to receive a larger one? Can you play people to bring your own cups? To test the theory, scientists have established two experiments, one in which customers offered a 5% chance of winning a gift card of $ 5, and one, where they had a 10% chance of a free drink; Both experiments offered more or less the same monetary prize structure as a miniature discount on each time a person brought to a cup; The user would expect to earn a 5 USD gift card every 20 visits and save more or less the same amount of money in the same number of visits via the discount program.
In the first study, with a gift card for 5 USD, which included over 400 purchases of drinks, they discovered that the percentage of people who brought their own cups doubled from the base line when such awards were not offered. The second study was much larger, covering over 20,000 purchases. In this study, they examined two different cafes, and one served as a control group. A control coffee shop that had no prizes, as time passed, a lasting decrease in the number of reusable cups. The second cafe recorded a similar decrease, up to the implementation of a 10% chance of obtaining a free drink, which caused a significant enhance in reuse in this cafe.
So this is not only the promise of the prize that moves with a needle, but the potential of a gigantic result. This study also seems to show that the size of the result plays a role in its effectiveness. But the larger the reward, the less likely to win. Does 0.1% activate even more people in winning the grinder? To be sincere, whatever you need. Referring to decency certainly does not do this trick.